Department Of Pharmacology

The Department of Pharmacology imparts the understanding of the pharmacological basis of therapeutics to enable the future doctors to prescribe rationally i.e., without any bias. We teach the students to different type of drugs and their efforts to work actively to contribute towards the establishment of the national health goals. We train our students to develop a modern outlook so that a student can handle any situation.

A) Demonstration Room - There are two demonstration rooms fitted with strip chairs, over head projector, slide projector, television, video and other audiovisual aids, to accommodate at least 75-100 students.

B) Practical Laboratories – There are two practical laboratories with accommodation for 75-100 students each, namely:
i)Experimental Pharmacology with ante-room for smoking and varnishing of kymograph papers.
ii)Clinical pharmacology and pharmacy with one ante-room for technicians, storage of equipment and appliances and preparation room.

(C) Museum - There is a museum for specimens, charts, models, with a separate section depicting “ History of Medicine”, with a seating capacity of at least 40 students.

(D) Departmental Library - There is a departmental library-cum-seminar room with at least 80-100 books.

(E) Research - There is a research laboratory used for research purposes.